5 Ways of Building New Relationships at Trade Shows
Trade shows provide the perfect platform for meeting new prospects, talking to old companions and industry partners. From the conference sessions to the end of the show, trade shows are a great way to grow your business because they are relationship focused. Events...
Interpreting Visitor Behaviour
Organising your presence at an exhibition or conference can be a daunting task. You’re efforts are on show for all to see and apprehension rises as you think of what your boss, colleagues, and competitors might think when they see your exhibit. I’m all for...
Visitor personalities (& strategies for dealing with them)
Let’s set the record straight. Food attracts hungry people, just as drinks appeal to thirsty people. Sometimes a gimmick is just that and the investment is really only improving the visitor experience without improving your outcomes. This is an important concept to...
Our Top 5 Conversation Starters at Trade Shows
Manning a stand at a show can be a daunting experience for even the best salesperson. You’re on display and think people are judging you. Newsflash: Half of them are scared of you too and think you’re trying to single them out, the others are preoccupied...